Statistics and meaning of name Baziru

We have no records about Baziru being used as firstname.
Surname Baziru is used at least 28 times in at least 1 countries. (Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.

Given names
Gheorghe Baziru (4)
Stefan Baziru (3)
Ionel Baziru (3)
Jenica Baziru (2)
Aneta Baziru (2)
Paun Baziru (2)
Alexandru Baziru (2)
Constantin Baziru (2)
Petrica Baziru (1)
Tudorel Baziru (1)
Licuta Baziru (1)
Ion Baziru (1)
Dinu Baziru (1)
Paraschiv Baziru (1)

Baziru reversed is Urizab
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Abizur Aziubr Bizrau Zbariu Azbiur Bzarui Riubza
Misspells: Boziru Bazilu Bazirru Bazyru Bazjru Bazeru Bazirua Bzairu Baziur Bazriu

Rhymes: curlew virtue curfew purview worldview

Meaning of name Baziru is: from the word 'bazăr' = the grease found on an animal bowels; Bazîru
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Old Wiki
Name: Baziru
Language: Romanian
Meaning: from the word 'bazăr' = the grease found on an animal bowels
Comments: Bazîru

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