Statistics and meaning of name Bellerud
We have no records about Bellerud being used as firstname.
Surname Bellerud is used at least 66 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,Sweden)
Given names
Lisa Bellerud (1) Karin Bellerud (1) |
![Surname Bellerud in USA Surname Bellerud in USA](/img/USA/Bellerud.jpg)
Bellerud reversed is Durelleb
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.
Anagrams: Edlurleb
Misspells: Bellelud Bellerrud Belleruda Blelerud Bellerdu Belleurd
Rhymes: crud blood flood mud bud stud
Meaning of this name is unknown.
Otis Bellerud says: Bellerud is the name of a farm near Skreia, Norway, now spelled Bellarud. It does not rhyme with mud....the d is silent and so is pronounced bell-eh-rue. There are unrelated Belleruds in Sweden who apparently made the name up independently from the Norwegian version. Also some Belleruds from Buskerud in Norway, provenance unknown to me at this time.
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