Statistics and meaning of name Berlogea
We have no records about Berlogea being used as firstname.
Surname Berlogea is used at least 17 times in at least 2 countries. (Romania,Belgium)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 贝尔洛贾 (pinyin: bèi ěr Luò gǔ)
Given names
Gheorghe Berlogea (3) Venturia Berlogea (2) Octavian Berlogea (2) Aurora Berlogea (2) Domnica Berlogea (2) Pavel Berlogea (1) Elena Berlogea (1) Iliana Berlogea (1) Constantin Berlogea (1) |
Berlogea reversed is Aegolreb
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Oereblag Ealegrob
Misspells: Berlogeo Bellogea Berrlogea Berlogeaa Brelogea Berlogae Berloega
Rhymes: hydrangea panacea propria labia tortilla podia
Meaning of name Berlogea is: the same as [Birlogea]
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Domains - REGISTERED - REGISTERED - FREE - FREE | Old Wiki Name: Berlogea Language: Romanian Meaning: the same as Birlogea Comments: |
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