Statistics and meaning of name Beskine

We have no records about Beskine being used as firstname.
Surname Beskine is used at least 17 times in at least 1 countries. (UK)

Given names
Nichola Beskine (2)
Annabel Beskine (2)
Elizabeth Beskine (2)
Anthony Beskine (2)
David Beskine (2)
Sheila Beskine (1)
Sarah Beskine (1)
Natalia Beskine (1)
Michael Beskine (1)
Donald Beskine (1)
Lynne Beskine (1)
Deborah Beskine (1)

Beskine reversed is Enikseb
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Bseekni Kiseneb Kiebens Beksein Eseknib
Misspells: Besskine Beskyne Beskjne Beskene Beskinea Bsekine Beskien Besknie

Rhymes: Rankine Adeline Aline Alpine Angeline Antoine Aquitaine deadline enchain airline headline hairline

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Anthony B Beskine says: It's rare name, Vad Yasham only records 4/5 victims with the name Beskin. There was a WWII Red Army artillery named Beskin. Beskine derives from France where an `e` was added to help pronunciation. Males in the family are reported to be hereditary Cohens.
sbeskine says: does anyone know of the relative of Berek Beskine or Sara Schepps who went to USA from Russia or France?

This page has been visited from the following countries: United Kingdom United States Slovenia


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