Statistics and meaning of name Bigea
We have no records about Bigea being used as firstname.
Surname Bigea is used at least 41 times in at least 3 countries.
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 比贾 (pinyin: bǐ gǔ)
Given names
Ion Bigea (4) Ionel Bigea (3) Zamfirica Bigea (3) Vasile Bigea (3) Georgel Bigea (2) Maricica Bigea (2) Domnica Bigea (2) Profira Bigea (2) Ilie Bigea (2) Maricel Bigea (2) Peter Bigea (1) Valeria Bigea (1) Stefan Bigea (1) Marcu Bigea (1) Gina Bigea (1) Constantin Bigea (1) Ioan Bigea (1) Arvantitopol Bigea (1) Margareta Bigea (1) Nuta Bigea (1) |
Bigea reversed is Aegib
Name contains 5 letters - 60.00% vowels and 40.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Bigae Iebag Eagib Abieg Biega Aigeb
Misspells: Bigeo Bygea Bjgea Begea Bigeaa Bgiea Bigae Biega
Rhymes: hydrangea podia idea diarrhea diarrhoea dia
Meaning of name Bigea is: from [Bigu] plus the termination -ea; Bîgea
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Domains - REGISTERED - FREE - FREE - REGISTERED | Old Wiki Name: Bigea Language: Romanian Meaning: from Bigu plus the termination -ea Comments: Bîgea |
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