Statistics and meaning of name Bijker

Usage: 1% firstname, 99% surname.
Bijker first name was found 3 times in 1 different countries. (Netherlands)
Surname Bijker is used at least 211 times in at least 12 countries.

      Surname Bijker
Given names
Hermina Bijker (2)
Ingrid Bijker (2)
Agaath Bijker (1)
Sytze Bijker (1)
Daniela Bijker (1)
Jannetie Bijker (1)
Daniel Bijker (1)
Robert Bijker (1)
Willem Bijker (1)
Maaikea Bijker (1)
Douwe Bijker (1)
Doune Bijker (1)
Kees Bijker (1)
Kornelis Bijker (1)
Cho Bijker (1)
Maaike Bijker (1)

Surname Bijker in Netherlands   

Bijker reversed is Rekjib
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Rikejb Jbiekr Bjierk Ijberk
Misspells: Bijkel Bijkerr Byjker Bjjker Biiker Bejker Bijkera Bjiker Bijkre Bijekr

Rhymes: Baedeker Baker Banneker Barker Becker Booker Bunker beaker speaker weaker seeker bleaker

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Klaas Bijker says: Original the surname Bijker names a profession in earlyer eastern part of Holland and became a surname by Napoleon law. Bijker stands for beekeeper. Bij is Dutch for bee and a bijker is one keeping bees for a (part) of living.
Bijker says: weet het niet maar ik heet zelf ook zo al 62 jaar mijn achter naam lol
Klaas Bijker says: Lastname Bijker is a name of Dutch origine and meens Beekeeper (pld profession)
Lisette Bijker says: The name 'Bijker"can also come from the old Dutch word 'bieker' which means hammer (as in: the tool). Which is more likely than the 'beekeeper' theory as there were not so many beekeepers.
Klaas Bijker says: For sure my surname came from beekeeper. Under France law by Napoleon everybody under his rule in The Netherlands had to choose a surname because there was none. To Brothers were choosing a name, the first one named himself Bijker, while he was keeping bees, bij in Dutch. The other brother, he was always climbing trees in his youth, named himself Katoele, after the bird owl. So far the history of our family name as a surname.

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Famous people: Lucas Bijker

Writers: Roelof Bijker, Alie Bijker, Wietske Bijker, Wiebe E. Bijker

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