Statistics and meaning of name Binnendijk

Usage: 0% firstname, 100% surname.
Binnendijk first name was found 1 times in 1 different countries. (France)
Surname Binnendijk is used at least 171 times in at least 10 countries.

      Surname Binnendijk
Given names
Leendert Binnendijk (2)
Gaby Binnendijk (2)
Andrew Binnendijk (2)
Bertrand Binnendijk (2)
Nicolas Binnendijk (1)
Alix Binnendijk (1)
Charlotte Binnendijk (1)
Ingrid Binnendijk (1)
Sashia Binnendijk (1)
Katharina Binnendijk (1)
Jessica Binnendijk (1)
Annemiek Binnendijk (1)
Elodie Binnendijk (1)
Pierre Binnendijk (1)
Guillaume Binnendijk (1)
Didier Binnendijk (1)
Zoe Binnendijk (1)
Vianney Binnendijk (1)
Antonius Binnendijk (1)
Gwenaelle Binnendijk (1)
Saskia Binnendijk (1)
Scott Binnendijk (1)

Family names
Binnendijk Jourdier (1)

Surname Binnendijk in France   Surname Binnendijk in Netherlands   Surname Binnendijk in USA   

Binnendijk reversed is Kjidnennib
Name contains 10 letters - 30.00% vowels and 70.00% consonants.

Misspells: Bynnendijk Bjnnendijk Binnendiik Bennendijk Binnendijka Bninendijk Binnendikj Binnendjik

Rhymes: guarantee mit devotee guaranty pensee

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Rien van Binnendijk says: The name "Binendnijk"is not French but DUTCH. It is either written with and without VAN. I myself am from the branch with VAN. My brothers are called CHRIS, ROB, BAM, BAS and KOEN. The roots of the Van BINNENDIJK Family derive from Amersfoort, Netherlands
Rien van Binnendijk says: Meaning VAN BINNENDIJK The name BINNENDIJK (lit. inner of inland dyke) has to do with two kinds of DYKES (DIJK) used in the Netherlands, preventing seawater flooding the country. The one closest to the sea is called BUITENDIJK or "Watcher", whereas the other one is lying more in the country (BINNENDIJk or "Sleeper). Dykes used on sites near the Dutch rivers like Maas, Waal, Rijn are called SUMMER DYKE or WINTER DYKE. The insertion VAN is a genitiv viz. locativus ("from"). Our forefathers probably lived on or close to a BINNENDIJK. PS: My twin-brother is called BRAM.
Rien van Binnendijk says: I misspelled my last name in my first comment: VAN BINNENDIJK is the correct spelling.

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Netherlands France Germany Thailand Switzerland Australia Ireland Japan Canada New Zealand Djibouti United Kingdom


Famous people: Simon Binnendijk, Marlijn Binnendijk

Writers: Henk Binnendijk, Hans Binnendijk

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