Statistics and meaning of name Blacioti

We have no records about Blacioti being used as firstname.
Surname Blacioti is used at least 38 times in at least 1 countries. (Romania)
Name written with Chinese letters: 布拉乔蒂 (pinyin: bù lā qiáo dì)

Given names
Stere Blacioti (5)
Dumitru Blacioti (3)
Odetta Blacioti (3)
Nicolache Blacioti (2)
Silvia Blacioti (2)
Tanase Blacioti (2)
Gheorghe Blacioti (2)
Vasile Blacioti (2)
Ioan Blacioti (2)
Atanase Blacioti (2)
Ecaterina Blacioti (2)
Andronica Blacioti (2)
Constantin Blacioti (2)
Stela Blacioti (1)
Alexandru Blacioti (1)
Radu Blacioti (1)
Maria Blacioti (1)
Enache Blacioti (1)
Olimpia Blacioti (1)
Alecu Blacioti (1)

Blacioti reversed is Itoicalb
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Cbaliito Tacoilib Coabitil Iilatboc Aolitbic Oibcatli
Misspells: Blocioti Blacyoti Blacjoti Blaceoti Blaciotia Balcioti Blacioit Blacitoi

Rhymes: dhoti literati knotty karate potty spotty

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Romania Canada Thailand Germany

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