Statistics and meaning of name Boanches
We have no records about Boanches being used as firstname.
Surname Boanches is used at least 50 times in at least 2 countries. (Romania,France)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Given names
Maria Boanches (4) Ioan Boanches (3) Gheorghe Boanches (3) Alexandru Boanches (2) Adrian Boanches (2) Sandu Boanches (2) Viorel Boanches (2) Teodor Boanches (2) Mona Boanches (2) Mihaila Boanches (2) Ilie Boanches (2) Fica Boanches (2) Eusebie Boanches (2) Cornel Boanches (2) Daniel Boanches (1) Simion Boanches (1) Vasile Boanches (1) Sofia Boanches (1) Valentin Boanches (1) Petru Boanches (1) Genoveva Boanches (1) Luca Boanches (1) Octavian Boanches (1) Onisim Boanches (1) Elena Boanches (1) Silvia Boanches (1) |
Boanches reversed is Sehcnaob
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.
Anagrams: Nbaosceh Nhabceso Osnehacb
Misspells: Boonches Boanchess Boanchesa Baonches Boanchse Boancehs
Rhymes: Comanches Frenches avalanches benches blanches blenches branches donas doses poses boas polkas
Meaning of name Boanches is: [Boanca] plus the termination -eş; Boancheş
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Domains - FREE - FREE - FREE - FREE | Old Wiki Name: Boanches Language: Romanian Meaning: Boanca plus the termination -eş Comments: Boancheş |
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