Statistics and meaning of name Bododea

We have no records about Bododea being used as firstname.
Surname Bododea is used at least 26 times in at least 3 countries.
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 博多代亚 (pinyin: bó duō dài yà)

      Surname Bododea
Given names
Constantin Bododea (5)
Vintila Bododea (4)
Daniela Bododea (3)
Ion Bododea (3)
Mihai Bododea (2)
Maria Bododea (2)
Marin Bododea (2)
Anelia Bododea (1)
Patrascu Bododea (1)

Bododea reversed is Aedodob
Name contains 7 letters - 57.14% vowels and 42.86% consonants.

Anagrams: Odobaed Boodade Dadobeo Aobdoed Eadbodo Oebadod
Misspells: Bododeo Bododeaa Bdoodea Bododae Bodoeda

Rhymes: Judea Medea idea leukopenia neutropenia osteopenia pancytopenia thrombocytopenia

Meaning of name Bododea is: see [Bodoaga], from the verb 'a bodogăni' ; the final could have been intentionally replaced by 'dodea', linking the nickname to the expression 'a vorbi in dodii' to talk nonsense
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Old Wiki
Name: Bododea
Language: Romanian
Meaning: see Bodoaga, from the verb 'a bodogăni' ; the final could have been intentionally replaced by 'dodea', linking the nickname to the expression 'a vorbi in dodii' to talk nonsense

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