Statistics and meaning of name Bodogai

We have no records about Bodogai being used as firstname.
Surname Bodogai is used at least 49 times in at least 2 countries. (Romania,Austria)
Name written with Chinese letters: 博多加伊 (pinyin: bó duō jiā yī)

Given names
Maria Bodogai (7)
Ioan Bodogai (4)
Irina Bodogai (4)
Gheorghe Bodogai (4)
Pavel Bodogai (3)
Nicodim Bodogai (2)
Mircea Bodogai (2)
Alexandru Bodogai (2)
Teodor Bodogai (2)
Constantin Bodogai (2)
Ana Bodogai (2)
Elisabeta Bodogai (2)
Floare Bodogai (2)
Florian Bodogai (2)
Sabina Bodogai (1)
Mihai Bodogai (1)
Iuliu Bodogai (1)
Ilie Bodogai (1)
Leontina Bodogai (1)
Livia Bodogai (1)
Liviu Bodogai (1)
Lucica Bodogai (1)

Bodogai reversed is Iagodob
Name contains 7 letters - 57.14% vowels and 42.86% consonants.

Anagrams: Ogobiad Boodiga Gidobao Iobdoag Aigbodo Oabidog
Misspells: Bodogoi Bodogay Bodogaj Bodogae Bodogaia Bdoogai Bodogia Bodoagi

Rhymes: Haggai patois bourgeois ka bra ga

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Romania Austria Thailand Brazil France Italy


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