Statistics and meaning of name Boerstra

We have no records about Boerstra being used as firstname.
Surname Boerstra is used at least 51 times in at least 10 countries.

      Surname Boerstra
Given names
Lucas Boerstra (1)
Arie Boerstra (1)
Floris Boerstra (1)

Surname Boerstra in Netherlands   

Boerstra reversed is Artsreob
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Robertas
Misspells: Boerstro Boelstra Boerrstra Boersstra Boerstraa Beorstra Boerstar Boersrta

Rhymes: Clytemnestra Dijkstra orchestra rostra nostra aorta ordre sorta torah

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Klaas Boerstra says: Boerstra is a typical Frysian name and means: Living in the neighbourhood

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Netherlands Germany France Switzerland Thailand China South Africa United Kingdom


Writers: M. L. Boerstra

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