Statistics and meaning of name Bogfeldt

We have no records about Bogfeldt being used as firstname.
Surname Bogfeldt is used at least 9 times in at least 1 countries. (Denmark)

Given names
Kjeld Bogfeldt (2)
Ulla Bogfeldt (1)
Vibeke Bogfeldt (1)
Stella Bogfeldt (1)
Marianne Bogfeldt (1)
Inger Bogfeldt (1)
Annie Bogfeldt (1)
Mikael Bogfeldt (1)

Bogfeldt reversed is Tdlefgob
Name contains 8 letters - 25.00% vowels and 75.00% consonants.

Misspells: Bogfeldta Bgofeldt Bogfeltd Bogfedlt

Rhymes: veldt Humboldt heartfelt object content project comment

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Stella Bogfeldt says: My great grandfather bought the name Bogfeldt coz he didnt like the one he got, and he was tired of getting his neighbors mail all most every day.. Regards Stella Bogfeldt (its actually spelled Bøgfeldt in Danish) :-)
Stella Bogfeldt says: My great grandfather bought the name Bogfeldt coz he didnt like the one he got, and he was tired of getting his neighbors mail all most every day.. Regards Stella Bogfeldt (its actually spelled Bøgfeldt in Danish) :-) BTW, You are missing a person under giving names The missing person is My baby brother Danny Bogfeldt And actually his daughter Luca Bogfeldt Plejer, she has Bogfeldt as a middle name. Hope this information helps

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