Statistics and meaning of name Boghitoiu

We have no records about Boghitoiu being used as firstname.
Surname Boghitoiu is used at least 69 times in at least 4 countries.
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 博吉托尤 (pinyin: bó jí tuō yóu)

      Surname Boghitoiu
Given names
Dumitru Boghitoiu (9)
Ioan Boghitoiu (6)
Mircea Boghitoiu (5)
Maria Boghitoiu (4)
Mihai Boghitoiu (3)
Aurel Boghitoiu (3)
Vasile Boghitoiu (3)
Marian Boghitoiu (3)
Valeriu Boghitoiu (2)
Samuel Boghitoiu (2)
Valeria Boghitoiu (2)
Marcel Boghitoiu (2)
Constantin Boghitoiu (2)
Costache Boghitoiu (2)
Corina Boghitoiu (2)
Florica Boghitoiu (2)
Gheorghe Boghitoiu (2)
Georges Boghitoiu (1)
Ioana Boghitoiu (1)
Costel Boghitoiu (1)
Ecaterina Boghitoiu (1)
Dorina Boghitoiu (1)
Relu Boghitoiu (1)
Silvea Boghitoiu (1)

Boghitoiu reversed is Uiotihgob
Name contains 9 letters - 55.56% vowels and 44.44% consonants.

Misspells: Boghytoiu Boghjtoiu Boghetoiu Boghitoiua Bgohitoiu Boghitoui Boghitiou

Rhymes: aboiu toiu coiu froiu noiu

Meaning of name Boghitoiu is: [Boghita] plus the termination -oiu; Boghiţoiu
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Romania Germany Thailand France Spain

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Old Wiki
Name: Boghitoiu
Language: Romanian
Meaning: Boghita plus the termination -oiu
Comments: Boghiţoiu

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