Statistics and meaning of name Bogzeanu
We have no records about Bogzeanu being used as firstname.
Surname Bogzeanu is used at least 37 times in at least 1 countries. (Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 博格泽亚努 (pinyin: bó gé zé yà nǔ)
Given names
Ioana Bogzeanu (3) Nuta Bogzeanu (3) Ion Bogzeanu (2) Valentin Bogzeanu (2) Lenuta Bogzeanu (2) Nastasia Bogzeanu (2) Elena Bogzeanu (2) Radu Bogzeanu (2) Ilie Bogzeanu (2) Daniel Bogzeanu (2) Petrica Bogzeanu (1) Nicu Bogzeanu (1) Angela Bogzeanu (1) Alexandru Bogzeanu (1) Victoria Bogzeanu (1) Alexandrina Bogzeanu (1) Nicolae Bogzeanu (1) Antohi Bogzeanu (1) Gicu Bogzeanu (1) Gherghina Bogzeanu (1) Adrian Bogzeanu (1) Costica Bogzeanu (1) Dionise Bogzeanu (1) Constantin Bogzeanu (1) Neculai Bogzeanu (1) |
Bogzeanu reversed is Unaezgob
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Noguazbe Zagbenuo Ouznageb
Misspells: Bogzeonu Bogzeanua Bgozeanu Bogzeaun Bogzenau
Rhymes: manu argue onto yahoo fondu
Meaning of name Bogzeanu is: the toponym [Bogza] plus the termination -eanu
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