Statistics and meaning of name Boissezon
We have no records about Boissezon being used as firstname.
Surname Boissezon is used at least 29 times in at least 5 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 布瓦瑟宗 (pinyin: bù wǎ sè zōng)
Given names
Michel Boissezon (3) Emile Boissezon (2) Serge Boissezon (1) Pierre Boissezon (1) Karen Boissezon (1) Roland Boissezon (1) Richard Boissezon (1) Remi Boissezon (1) Olivier Boissezon (1) Monique Boissezon (1) Eric Boissezon (1) Delphine Boissezon (1) Francoise Boissezon (1) Helene Boissezon (1) Josette Boissezon (1) Joel Boissezon (1) Laurence Boissezon (1) |
Boissezon reversed is Nozessiob
Name contains 9 letters - 44.44% vowels and 55.56% consonants.
Anagrams: Bosiznoes Insebsozo Osnizbeso Nzosbesoi
Misspells: Boisssezon Boyssezon Bojssezon Boessezon Boissezona Biossezon Boissezno Boisseozn
Rhymes: Quezon Amazon Luzon Verizon amazon blazon brazen duration deviation haven invasion
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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