Statistics and meaning of name Bolboasa

We have no records about Bolboasa being used as firstname.
Surname Bolboasa is used at least 76 times in at least 1 countries. (Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 博尔博阿萨 (pinyin: bó ěr bó ā Sà)

Given names
Marin Bolboasa (4)
Ilinca Bolboasa (4)
Marian Bolboasa (4)
Niculae Bolboasa (4)
Ilie Bolboasa (3)
Marinel Bolboasa (3)
Ion Bolboasa (3)
Alexandru Bolboasa (3)
Maria Bolboasa (3)
Jana Bolboasa (2)
Lucia Bolboasa (2)
Petre Bolboasa (2)
Badea Bolboasa (2)
Virgil Bolboasa (2)
Nastase Bolboasa (2)
Dumitru Bolboasa (2)
Stan Bolboasa (2)
Elena Bolboasa (2)
Florea Bolboasa (2)
Nicolae Bolboasa (1)
Viorel Bolboasa (1)
Puiu Bolboasa (1)
Nasta Bolboasa (1)
Iulia Bolboasa (1)
Floarea Bolboasa (1)
Constantin Bolboasa (1)
Anisoara Bolboasa (1)
Florenta Bolboasa (1)
Florin Bolboasa (1)
Gheorghe Bolboasa (1)
Gelu Bolboasa (1)
Mirela Bolboasa (1)

Bolboasa reversed is Asaoblob
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Solaabbo Balbosao Oabsalob
Misspells: Bolboosa Bolboassa Bolboasaa Bloboasa Bolboaas Bolbosaa

Rhymes: Kinshasa Lhasa Mombasa Nyasa kielbasa stomata sarcomata momenta carcinomata

Meaning of name Bolboasa is: 'bolboaşă' a derivate of 'a bulbuca' = to bubble up, talking about eyes : his eyes started from their sockets ; the name refers to a person with staring eyes; Bolboaşă
This page has been visited from the following countries: Romania United States Germany

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Old Wiki
Name: Bolboasa
Language: Romanian
Meaning: 'bolboaşă' a derivate of 'a bulbuca' = to bubble up, talking about eyes : his eyes started from their sockets ; the name refers to a person with staring eyes
Comments: Bolboaşă

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