Statistics and meaning of name Boleantu
We have no records about Boleantu being used as firstname.
Surname Boleantu is used at least 17 times in at least 2 countries. (Canada,Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Given names
Lazar Boleantu (2) Anghelina Boleantu (2) Doina Boleantu (2) Sidonia Boleantu (2) Doftana Boleantu (2) Nicolae Boleantu (1) Daniel Boleantu (1) Belinda Boleantu (1) Alina Boleantu (1) Tom Boleantu (1) |
Boleantu reversed is Utnaelob
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Toluneba Toblenua Lnoatbue Nabeltou
Misspells: Boleontu Boleantua Bloeantu Boleanut Boleatnu
Rhymes: Bantu Cantu preview tliou spiritu redrew hsiu
Meaning of name Boleantu is: from the toponym ''Bălinţ'' and ''Belinţ'' from Banat; -eanţ is a Serbo-Croatian termination with the same value as -eanu, the Romanian anthroponymic termination; Boleanţu
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Domains - REGISTERED - FREE - FREE - FREE | Old Wiki Name: Boleantu Language: Romanian Meaning: from the toponym Bălinţ and Belinţ from Banat; -eanţ is a Serbo-Croatian termination with the same value as -eanu, the Romanian anthroponymic termination Comments: Boleanţu |
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