Statistics and meaning of name Borozia

We have no records about Borozia being used as firstname.
Surname Borozia is used at least 21 times in at least 1 countries. (Romania)
Origin of this name is Hungarian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 博罗济亚 (pinyin: bó luō jì yà)

Given names
Eugen Borozia (3)
Dumitru Borozia (3)
Gheorghe Borozia (2)
Marieta Borozia (2)
Vasile Borozia (2)
Carmen Borozia (2)
Maria Borozia (2)
Constantin Borozia (2)
Felicia Borozia (1)
Alexandra Borozia (1)
Ioana Borozia (1)

Borozia reversed is Aizorob
Name contains 7 letters - 57.14% vowels and 42.86% consonants.

Anagrams: Ozobair Boorazi Zarobio Aobroiz Iazboro Oibaroz
Misspells: Borozio Bolozia Borrozia Borozya Borozja Borozea Boroziaa Broozia Borozai Boroiza

Rhymes: symposia elodea myopia phobia diplopia

Meaning of name Borozia is: 'borozas' a feast with wine, 'borozo' drinking song
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Old Wiki
Name: Borozia
Language: Romanian
Origin: Hungarian
Meaning: 'borozas' a feast with wine, 'borozo' drinking song

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