Statistics and meaning of name Borreill

We have no records about Borreill being used as firstname.
Surname Borreill is used at least 27 times in at least 2 countries. (France,Spain)
Name written with Chinese letters: 博雷伊 (pinyin: bó léi yī)

Given names
Pierre Borreill (2)
Joseph Borreill (2)
Jean Borreill (2)
Henri Borreill (1)
Franck Borreill (1)
Ruben Borreill (1)
Marc Borreill (1)
Michel Borreill (1)
Gerard Borreill (1)
Vincenette Borreill (1)
Raimond Borreill (1)
Nuria Borreill (1)
Etienne Borreill (1)
Doussia Borreill (1)
Daniel Borreill (1)
Andre Borreill (1)
Francine Borreill (1)
Marcel Borreill (1)
Yves Borreill (1)
Rene Borreill (1)
Francois Borreill (1)

Surname Borreill in France   

Borreill reversed is Llierrob
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Lorlirbe Rirbello
Misspells: Bolreill Borrreill Borreyll Borrejll Borreell Borreilla Broreill Borrelil

Rhymes: ONeill Weill Bill Catskill Churchill Gill Goodwill defile beguile rile while style

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Gabriel Borreill says: La signification de Borreill est bourreau en catalan

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States France


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