Statistics and meaning of name Borrescio

We have no records about Borrescio being used as firstname.
Surname Borrescio is used at least 39 times in at least 4 countries.

      Surname Borrescio
Given names
Giuseppe Borrescio (3)
Nicola Borrescio (2)
Adua Borrescio (2)
Salvatore Borrescio (1)
Pieralda Borrescio (1)
Rossella Borrescio (1)
Pierino Borrescio (1)
Vittorio Borrescio (1)
Antoine Borrescio (1)
Domenico Borrescio (1)
Sheila Borrescio (1)
Lucia Borrescio (1)
Carlo Borrescio (1)
Alberto Borrescio (1)
Angelo Borrescio (1)
Anne Borrescio (1)
Caterina Borrescio (1)
Franco Borrescio (1)

Surname Borrescio in Italy   

Borrescio reversed is Oicserrob
Name contains 9 letters - 44.44% vowels and 55.56% consonants.

Anagrams: Orborseic
Misspells: Bolrescio Borrrescio Borresscio Borrescyo Borrescjo Borresceo Borrescioa Brorescio Borrescoi Borresico

Rhymes: Boccaccio Horacio Ignacio Lucio Mauricio nuncio scenario arpeggio semipro

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Eduardo Borrescio says: Please add my name into the list. I live in Argentina, son of Vicente Borrescio and "nipote" of Francisco Borrescio from Lungro

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Italy France Argentina United Kingdom Germany Switzerland Brazil

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