Statistics and meaning of name Bosonea

We have no records about Bosonea being used as firstname.
Surname Bosonea is used at least 19 times in at least 2 countries. (Canada,Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.

Given names
Octavian Bosonea (4)
Ion Bosonea (2)
Vica Bosonea (2)
Eliade Bosonea (2)
Ilie Bosonea (1)
Maria Bosonea (1)
Elena Bosonea (1)
Aurelia Bosonea (1)
Constantin Bosonea (1)
Doinel Bosonea (1)
Ecaterina Bosonea (1)
Alexandrina Bosonea (1)

Bosonea reversed is Aenosob
Name contains 7 letters - 57.14% vowels and 42.86% consonants.

Anagrams: Onobaes Boosane Nasobeo Aobsoen Eanboso Oebason
Misspells: Bosoneo Bossonea Bosoneaa Bsoonea Bosonae Bosoena

Rhymes: peritonea Guinea cornea guinea leukopenia neutropenia osteopenia pancytopenia thrombocytopenia

Meaning of name Bosonea is: the theme of the word is boş- as a derivate from the Bulgarian name [Boso], the final is an archaic form of the termination -oaie (-ona); Boşonea
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Old Wiki
Name: Bosonea
Language: Romanian
Meaning: the theme of the word is boş- as a derivate from the Bulgarian name Boso, the final is an archaic form of the termination -oaie (-ona)
Comments: Boşonea

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