Statistics and meaning of name Boucquiaux

We have no records about Boucquiaux being used as firstname.
Surname Boucquiaux is used at least 17 times in at least 2 countries. (France,Belgium)
Name written with Chinese letters: 布基奥 (pinyin: bù jī ào)

Given names
Ludovic Boucquiaux (2)
Francis Boucquiaux (1)
Thomas Boucquiaux (1)
Christine Boucquiaux (1)
Laurent Boucquiaux (1)
Pascale Boucquiaux (1)
Yves Boucquiaux (1)

Surname Boucquiaux in France   

Boucquiaux reversed is Xuaiuqcuob
Name contains 10 letters - 60.00% vowels and 40.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Coibuuquxa Qiucbuaxou
Misspells: Boucquioux Boucquyaux Boucguiaux Boucqujaux Boucqueaux Boucquiauxa Buocquiaux Boucquiaxu Boucquiuax

Rhymes: Bordeaux Lascaux Malraux beaux bureaux châteaux plateaux portico bungalow polio topos piccolo

Meaning of this name is unknown.
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