Statistics and meaning of name Bouige

We have no records about Bouige being used as firstname.
Surname Bouige is used at least 30 times in at least 1 countries. (France)
Name written with Chinese letters: 布伊热 (pinyin: bù yī rè)

Given names
Pierre Bouige (2)
Fernand Bouige (2)
Jean Bouige (2)
Gerard Bouige (2)
Rene Bouige (2)
Corinne Bouige (1)
Louis Bouige (1)
Jacques Bouige (1)
Maryvonne Bouige (1)
Georgette Bouige (1)
Marcel Bouige (1)
Jacqueline Bouige (1)
Frederic Bouige (1)
Geraldine Bouige (1)
Genevieve Bouige (1)
Daniel Bouige (1)
Alain Bouige (1)
Gervais Bouige (1)
Olivier Bouige (1)
Evrard Bouige (1)
Andree Bouige (1)
Philippe Bouige (1)

Surname Bouige in France   

Bouige reversed is Egiuob
Name contains 6 letters - 66.67% vowels and 33.33% consonants.

Anagrams: Biugoe Ubogie Oubieg Buogei Giebuo Oubgei
Misspells: Bouyge Boujge Bouege Bouigea Buoige Bouieg Bougie

Rhymes: Paige beige disoblige oblige prestige vestige bridge ridge abridge fridge trip

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States France Thailand Switzerland Germany Cameroon

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Writers: Nicolas Bouiges

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