Statistics and meaning of name Bouteculet

We have no records about Bouteculet being used as firstname.
Surname Bouteculet is used at least 12 times in at least 2 countries. (Canada,France)

Given names
Valerie Bouteculet (1)
Dominique Bouteculet (1)
Lionel Bouteculet (1)
Helene Bouteculet (1)
Rene Bouteculet (1)
Karine Bouteculet (1)
Georges Bouteculet (1)
Louis Bouteculet (1)
David Bouteculet (1)
Gerard Bouteculet (1)
Brigitte Bouteculet (1)

Surname Bouteculet in France   

Bouteculet reversed is Telucetuob
Name contains 10 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Olebtutceu Teobucetlu Toubuceetl Teebutolcu
Misspells: Bouteculeta Buoteculet Bouteculte Boutecuelt

Rhymes: Capulet amulet epaulet rivulet regret bayonet epithet parapet preset

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Bouteculet says: This name is one of the oldest names in France. It originates from Burgundy and the character appears in the novel "Roman de renard" written in the Middle-Ages. The name itself derives from the ancient verb "bouteculer" which means "to push". However, it remains a mistery whether my ancestor was pushy or pushed.
Bouteculet says: Bouteculet comes from the ancient form of the verb "bousculer" which means to push. Whether pushed or pushy nobody knows :-)

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