Statistics and meaning of name Bozagiu

We have no records about Bozagiu being used as firstname.
Surname Bozagiu is used at least 13 times in at least 1 countries. (Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.

Given names
Victor Bozagiu (2)
Maria Bozagiu (2)
Ion Bozagiu (2)
Rodica Bozagiu (1)
Stefan Bozagiu (1)
Petre Bozagiu (1)
Neculai Bozagiu (1)
Marcela Bozagiu (1)
Elena Bozagiu (1)
Ionel Bozagiu (1)

Bozagiu reversed is Uigazob
Name contains 7 letters - 57.14% vowels and 42.86% consonants.

Anagrams: Agobuiz Boazugi Guzabio Uobzaig Iugbazo Aibuzog
Misspells: Bozogiu Bozagyu Bozagju Bozageu Bozagiua Bzoagiu Bozagui Bozaigu

Rhymes: oktiabriu

Meaning of name Bozagiu is: 'bozagiu' the person who sells the beverage named 'boză', produced of fermented apples
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Romania Philippines

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Old Wiki
Name: Bozagiu
Language: Romanian
Meaning: 'bozagiu' the person who sells the beverage named 'boză', produced of fermented apples

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