Statistics and meaning of name Brahariu

We have no records about Brahariu being used as firstname.
Surname Brahariu is used at least 16 times in at least 2 countries. (Romania,Italy)
Origin of this name is Romanian.

Given names
Gheorghe Brahariu (4)
Maria Brahariu (4)
Vasile Brahariu (2)
Neculai Brahariu (2)
Elena Brahariu (2)
Ionela Brahariu (1)

Brahariu reversed is Uiraharb
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Iahrarub Araibhur Irbahrua Ruhiraab Arraibuh Rabhairu
Misspells: Brohariu Blahariu Brrahariu Braharyu Braharju Brahareu Brahariua Barhariu Braharui Brahairu

Rhymes: hoiu joiu bostonreview partiu quamdiu

Meaning of name Brahariu is: 'brahar', a variant of 'brăgar' = hominy, porridge; see the toponym [Brahariul]
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Old Wiki
Name: Brahariu
Language: Romanian
Meaning: 'brahar', a variant of 'brăgar' = hominy, porridge; see the toponym Brahariul

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