Statistics and meaning of name Brandorff

We have no records about Brandorff being used as firstname.
Surname Brandorff is used at least 74 times in at least 8 countries.

      Surname Brandorff
Given names
Peter Brandorff (3)
Jens Brandorff (2)
Mikkel Brandorff (2)
Hanne Brandorff (2)
Linda Brandorff (2)
Chili Brandorff (2)
Stefan Brandorff (1)
Sif Brandorff (1)
Rebecca Brandorff (1)
Clemens Brandorff (1)
Stephanie Brandorff (1)
Gertrud Brandorff (1)
Nicole Brandorff (1)
Kay Brandorff (1)
Karin Brandorff (1)
Nanna Brandorff (1)
Dietmar Brandorff (1)
Andy Brandorff (1)
Heinrich Brandorff (1)
Gerda Brandorff (1)
Eva Brandorff (1)
Estrid Brandorff (1)
Anita Brandorff (1)
Knitta Brandorff (1)
Lone Brandorff (1)
Lis Brandorff (1)
Claus Brandorff (1)
Daniel Brandorff (1)

Surname Brandorff in Germany   Surname Brandorff in USA   

Brandorff reversed is Ffrodnarb
Name contains 9 letters - 22.22% vowels and 77.78% consonants.

Misspells: Brondorff Blandorff Brrandorff Brandorffa Barndorff Brandofrf

Rhymes: Hausdorff standoff blastoff castoff

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Steffen Brandorff says: The name Brandorff most probably was a dialectal version of the village name Bramdrup - a small village in the southern part of Jylland (Jutland), Denmark. A man, probably by the name om Lassen og Jepsen came to the farm "højrupcaard" in the village Stepping. Many had the same family (shifting between generations, as a son of Jep was called Jepsen, a son of Las was called Lassen). To distinguish between all Lassens you could call him "Lassen Bramdrup" (where he came from). In due course the more natural pronunciation developed into Brandorff

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