Statistics and meaning of name Brezniceanu
We have no records about Brezniceanu being used as firstname.
Surname Brezniceanu is used at least 28 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 布雷兹尼恰努 (pinyin: bù léi zī ní qià nǔ)
Given names
Ion Brezniceanu (4) Maria Brezniceanu (3) Alexandru Brezniceanu (2) Nicolae Brezniceanu (1) Vasile Brezniceanu (1) Petre Brezniceanu (1) Lucia Brezniceanu (1) Grigorie Brezniceanu (1) Constantin Brezniceanu (1) Dumitru Brezniceanu (1) Ecaterina Brezniceanu (1) Grigore Brezniceanu (1) |
Brezniceanu reversed is Unaecinzerb
Name contains 11 letters - 45.45% vowels and 54.55% consonants.
Anagrams: Recziabnuen Zenceunirba Iubnecrenza
Misspells: Brezniceonu Blezniceanu Brrezniceanu Breznyceanu Breznjceanu Brezneceanu Brezniceanua Berzniceanu Brezniceaun Breznicenau
Rhymes: sennetsu kenchiku didjeridoo wherethrough
Meaning of name Brezniceanu is: from the toponym 'Breznita' plus the termination -eanu
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