Statistics and meaning of name Brmbota

We have no records about Brmbota being used as firstname.
Surname Brmbota is used at least 27 times in at least 3 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 布尔姆博塔 (pinyin: bù ěr mǔ bó tǎ)

      Surname Brmbota
Given names
Jovan Brmbota (3)
Srdan Brmbota (3)
Nebojsa Brmbota (3)
Zoran Brmbota (2)
Slobodan Brmbota (2)
Aleksandra Brmbota (2)
Momcilo Brmbota (1)
Suzana Brmbota (1)
Dragisa Brmbota (1)
Danica Brmbota (1)
Sinisa Brmbota (1)
Dragan Brmbota (1)
Dordevic Brmbota (1)
Dragica Brmbota (1)
Gojko Brmbota (1)
Sasa Brmbota (1)
Branko Brmbota (1)

Surname Brmbota in Croatia   

Brmbota reversed is Atobmrb
Name contains 7 letters - 28.57% vowels and 71.43% consonants.

Anagrams: Borbatm Rmabtob
Misspells: Brmboto Blmbota Brrmbota Brmbotaa Bmrbota Brmboat Brmbtoa

Rhymes: Dakota Minnesota Sarasota Toyota anecdota iota quota proto rota scrota

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Aleksandra Brmbota says: My family, Brmbota is from the village of Stikada, region of Lika in Croatia. I know that my great, great, great grandpa is buried in the cemetery of Stikada and all of his sons up to my father, Momcilo Brmbota. We are Orthodox from Croatia and I still did not find the roots and where from and when Brmbota's settled in this region. There are There are still three houses of Brmbota's in Stikada. There are 3 Brmbota's widows leaving in those permanently, one of them 96 years old and two younger ones. The fourth Brmbota house is my new house and I hope that Brmbota's will always be present in Stikada village as this is where we are from.

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