Statistics and meaning of name Broili

We have no records about Broili being used as firstname.
Surname Broili is used at least 37 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,Italy)
Name written with Chinese letters: 布罗伊利 (pinyin: bù luō yī lì)

Given names
Maddalena Broili (2)
Marco Broili (1)
Roberta Broili (1)
Nevia Broili (1)
Isabella Broili (1)
Carla Broili (1)
Carlo Broili (1)
Emanuela Broili (1)
Amabile Broili (1)

Surname Broili in Italy   Surname Broili in USA   

Broili reversed is Iliorb
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Biolri Irilob Robiil Borlii Liibor Roblii
Misspells: Bloili Brroili Broyli Brojli Broeli Broilia Borili Broiil Brolii

Rhymes: Swahili campanili chili nautili coyly doily oily adroitly employee

Meaning of this name is unknown.

robert broili says: According to a relative in Italy, Broili, is related to a Celtic word referring to a small garden for growing herbs, often in a church yard. When the Roman soldiers returned from the British Isles in ancient times, they brought the name with them.

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