Statistics and meaning of name Broscaru

We have no records about Broscaru being used as firstname.
Surname Broscaru is used at least 69 times in at least 2 countries. (Romania,Spain)
Origin of this name is Romanian.

Given names
Ion Broscaru (8)
Constanta Broscaru (4)
Gheorghe Broscaru (3)
Maria Broscaru (3)
Marin Broscaru (3)
Constantin Broscaru (3)
Alexandru Broscaru (2)
Neluta Broscaru (2)
Sandu Broscaru (2)
Valerian Broscaru (2)
Vergilia Broscaru (2)
Catalin Broscaru (2)
Margareta Broscaru (2)
Mihai Broscaru (1)
Savu Broscaru (1)
Valentin Broscaru (1)
Liviu Broscaru (1)
Tanase Broscaru (1)
Marilena Broscaru (1)
Octavian Broscaru (1)
Niculina Broscaru (1)
Iuliana Broscaru (1)
Daniel Broscaru (1)
Dumitru Broscaru (1)
Constantina Broscaru (1)
Aurica Broscaru (1)
Aurelia Broscaru (1)
Elvira Broscaru (1)
Florea Broscaru (1)
Aurel Broscaru (1)
Giorgiana Broscaru (1)
Georgiana Broscaru (1)
Florica Broscaru (1)
Mariana Broscaru (1)

Broscaru reversed is Uracsorb
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Sborucra Rosacrub Rusraocb Ucrorbas
Misspells: Broscoru Bloscaru Brroscaru Brosscaru Broscarua Borscaru Broscaur Broscrau

Rhymes: Amaru Subaru corkscrew horseshoe cornu

Meaning of name Broscaru is: 'broscar' is the name of a tool used in carpentry ; also 'broască' = frog
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Old Wiki
Name: Broscaru
Language: Romanian
Meaning: 'broscar' is the name of a tool used in carpentry ; also 'broască' = frog

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