Statistics and meaning of name Buhnila

We have no records about Buhnila being used as firstname.
Surname Buhnila is used at least 43 times in at least 2 countries. (Romania,Italy)
Origin of this name is Romanian.

Given names
Gheorghe Buhnila (3)
Ioan Buhnila (3)
Elena Buhnila (3)
Adrian Buhnila (2)
Roxana Buhnila (2)
Constantin Buhnila (2)
Vasile Buhnila (2)
Mihai Buhnila (2)
Florea Buhnila (2)
Costica Buhnila (2)
Pavel Buhnila (1)
Toader Buhnila (1)
Sanda Buhnila (1)
Mihaela Buhnila (1)
Mirela Buhnila (1)
Mircea Buhnila (1)
Gabriel Buhnila (1)
Aurelia Buhnila (1)
Aurel Buhnila (1)
Alexandru Buhnila (1)
Danuta Buhnila (1)
Dorel Buhnila (1)
Eleodora Buhnila (1)
Dumitra Buhnila (1)
Ilie Buhnila (1)

Buhnila reversed is Alinhub
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Bhuanli Nihulab Niubalh Bunhail Uhanlib
Misspells: Buhnilo Buhnyla Buhnjla Buhnela Buhnilaa Bhunila Buhnial Buhnlia

Rhymes: Manila Aquila Attila Avila Gila Leila Lila tequila rela paella sheila tierra

Meaning of name Buhnila is: from the verb 'a bugni' = 'a bufni' = to pout, but also to rebound, to break out, or to burst into tears; Buhnilă
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Old Wiki
Name: Buhnila
Language: Romanian
Meaning: from the verb 'a bugni' = 'a bufni' = to pout, but also to rebound, to break out, or to burst into tears
Comments: Buhnilă

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