Statistics and meaning of name Buhociu

We have no records about Buhociu being used as firstname.
Surname Buhociu is used at least 66 times in at least 3 countries.
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 布霍丘 (pinyin: bù huò qiū)

      Surname Buhociu
Given names
Ion Buhociu (5)
Iordache Buhociu (4)
Constantin Buhociu (4)
Neculai Buhociu (4)
Gheorghe Buhociu (3)
Florin Buhociu (3)
Valencia Buhociu (2)
Maria Buhociu (2)
Toader Buhociu (2)
Liviu Buhociu (2)
Alexandrina Buhociu (2)
Cornel Buhociu (2)
Elena Buhociu (2)
Dumitrie Buhociu (2)
Eugen Buhociu (2)
Aurora Buhociu (2)
Polixenia Buhociu (1)
Mitrita Buhociu (1)
Ruxandica Buhociu (1)
Caranfil Buhociu (1)
Stela Buhociu (1)
Mihaela Buhociu (1)
Profira Buhociu (1)
Dan Buhociu (1)
Ghita Buhociu (1)
Eugenia Buhociu (1)
Felix Buhociu (1)
Aurel Buhociu (1)
Lidia Buhociu (1)
Mariana Buhociu (1)
Fanica Buhociu (1)
Marcel Buhociu (1)
Marius Buhociu (1)

Buhociu reversed is Uicohub
Name contains 7 letters - 57.14% vowels and 42.86% consonants.

Anagrams: Ocubuih Buohuci Cuhobiu Uubhoic Iucbohu Oibuhuc
Misspells: Buhocyu Buhocju Buhoceu Buhociua Bhuociu Buhocui Buhoicu

Meaning of name Buhociu is: the same as [Buhoci]
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Romania Thailand Canada Germany United Kingdom Switzerland


Old Wiki
Name: Buhociu
Language: Romanian
Meaning: the same as Buhoci

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