Statistics and meaning of name Buhrs

We have no records about Buhrs being used as firstname.
Surname Buhrs is used at least 51 times in at least 8 countries.

      Surname Buhrs
Given names
Manfred Buhrs (2)
Erich Buhrs (2)
Patrick Buhrs (1)
Ralf Buhrs (1)
Peter Buhrs (1)
Stephan Buhrs (1)
Thorsten Buhrs (1)
Mona Buhrs (1)
Arthur Buhrs (1)
Antonetta Buhrs (1)
Modeagentur Buhrs (1)
Marion Buhrs (1)
Heinrich Buhrs (1)
Frieda Buhrs (1)
Eckard Buhrs (1)
Heinz Buhrs (1)
Magrit Buhrs (1)
Alfred Buhrs (1)
Margret Buhrs (1)
Melanie Buhrs (1)

Surname Buhrs in Germany   Surname Buhrs in Netherlands   

Buhrs reversed is Srhub
Name contains 5 letters - 20.00% vowels and 80.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Sburh Bhusr
Misspells: Buhls Buhrrs Buhrss Buhrsa Bhurs Buhsr Burhs

Rhymes: tours boors yours moors lures

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Netherlands Norway Ireland United Kingdom Austria Thailand South Africa Spain Poland Korea Brazil


Famous people: Doug las Leonard Buhr, George Buhr , Martin Buhr

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