Statistics and meaning of name Buijsman

We have no records about Buijsman being used as firstname.
Surname Buijsman is used at least 73 times in at least 6 countries.

      Surname Buijsman
Given names
Joannes Buijsman (1)
Judith Buijsman (1)
Gerda Buijsman (1)

Surname Buijsman in Netherlands   Surname Buijsman in USA   

Buijsman reversed is Namsjiub
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Jbiunsam Jmibsanu Unjamisb
Misspells: Buijsmon Buijssman Buyjsman Bujjsman Buiisman Buejsman Buijsmana Biujsman Buijsmna Buijsamn

Rhymes: Heisman Housman Klansman Osman Scotsman Tasman Waksman policeman plainclothesman treason demon daemon

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Delano says: Misspelled word is also "Buisman" as the j is silent in The Netherlands in this case. In the netherlands we also make a joke when translating this name as "TubeMan" (we say buis but write buijs, and buis means tube in english)
Buijsman says: Composition of buijs + man, where 'buijs' is probably a derivative of 'buis' or 'buys' which is a type of ship. A 'buijsman' would be a skipper of such a vessel. The name is of West Frisian origin, North Holland, the Netherlands.

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Netherlands Russian Federation Sweden


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