Statistics and meaning of name Bulale

Usage: 8% firstname, 92% surname.
Bulale first name was found 5 times in 3 different countries.
Surname Bulale is used at least 51 times in at least 6 countries.

      Surname Bulale
Given names
Mohamed Bulale (5)
Asha Bulale (3)
Ahmed Bulale (3)
Ifrah Bulale (2)
Hassan Bulale (2)
Mahdi Bulale (2)
Amina Bulale (2)
Deeqa Bulale (2)
Ayaan Bulale (2)
Weli Bulale (1)
Hiis Bulale (1)
Hindi Bulale (1)
Isman Bulale (1)
Umalkeyr Bulale (1)
Tahlil Bulale (1)
Zainab Bulale (1)
Ibrahim Bulale (1)
Nima Bulale (1)
Ismael Bulale (1)
Idil Bulale (1)
Hussael Bulale (1)
Abdi Bulale (1)
Mohamud Bulale (1)
Samia Bulale (1)
Fadumo Bulale (1)
Yusuf Bulale (1)

Given name Bulale
Family names
Bulale Mohammud (1)
Bulale Hawa (1)
Bulale Asha (1)

Surname Bulale in Norway   Surname Bulale in USA   

Bulale reversed is Elalub
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Ubalel Ulaebl Ballue Lbulae Ulbael Blulea Laeblu
Misspells: Bulole Bulalea Bluale Bulael Bullae

Rhymes: Airedale Bloomingdale Chippendale Clydesdale Dale Gale Glendale brutally broodily beautifully eulogy gloomily

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Ayaan says: Bulale does not rhyme with any of the words suggested as it is not pronounced ALE (as in beer) but the LE- ending sounding like LEI so It BUH-LAH-LEI
Mustafa Bulale says: Jag är syrian men min far far far far är somalisk. Och hans namn är Bulale Guleed Siique. Och Bulale betyder en Snabb svart häst men det också betyder nåt som är värdefullt.

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States United Kingdom Canada Thailand India Netherlands Switzerland Norway


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