Statistics and meaning of name Bunfield

We have no records about Bunfield being used as firstname.
Surname Bunfield is used at least 72 times in at least 3 countries.

      Surname Bunfield
Given names
David Bunfield (3)
Shaun Bunfield (2)
Paul Bunfield (2)
Scott Bunfield (2)
George Bunfield (2)
Lucy Bunfield (2)
Susan Bunfield (2)
Brett Bunfield (2)
Joanne Bunfield (2)
Callum Bunfield (2)
Pauline Bunfield (1)
Mandy Bunfield (1)
Marie Bunfield (1)
Marjorie Bunfield (1)
Nicola Bunfield (1)
Perry Bunfield (1)
Sharon Bunfield (1)
William Bunfield (1)
Williamine Bunfield (1)
Yvonne Bunfield (1)
Terry Bunfield (1)
Stephen Bunfield (1)
Rose Bunfield (1)
Leslie Bunfield (1)
Sophie Bunfield (1)
Ronald Bunfield (1)
Jennifer Bunfield (1)
Denise Bunfield (1)
Donald Bunfield (1)
Dorothy Bunfield (1)
Elaine Bunfield (1)
Debbie Bunfield (1)
Daniel Bunfield (1)
Barbara Bunfield (1)
Bertha Bunfield (1)
Catherine Bunfield (1)
Felicity Bunfield (1)
Gary Bunfield (1)
Hilda Bunfield (1)
Irene Bunfield (1)
Anthony Bunfield (1)
Kevan Bunfield (1)
Helen Bunfield (1)
Hayley Bunfield (1)
Gillian Bunfield (1)
Glen Bunfield (1)
Graham Bunfield (1)
Kevin Bunfield (1)

Surname Bunfield in USA   

Bunfield reversed is Dleifnub
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Lundefbi Fenbildu
Misspells: Bunfyeld Bunfjeld Bunfeeld Bunfielda Bnufield Bunfiedl Bunfiled

Rhymes: Bakersfield Bloomfield Chesterfield Copperfield Dangerfield Garfield Hatfield unpeeled moneyed honeyed monied duckweed

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United Kingdom United States Australia Europe Thailand France Russian Federation


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or about the origins of this name?
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