Statistics and meaning of name Bunget
We have no records about Bunget being used as firstname.
Surname Bunget is used at least 99 times in at least 4 countries.
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 本杰特 (pinyin: běn jié té)
Given names
Alexandru Bunget (7) Constantin Bunget (7) Gheorghe Bunget (6) Nicolae Bunget (5) Ion Bunget (4) Stefan Bunget (3) Petre Bunget (3) Cornel Bunget (3) Dumitru Bunget (3) Vera Bunget (2) Traian Bunget (2) Marin Bunget (2) Vasile Bunget (2) Livia Bunget (2) Mihai Bunget (2) Petrica Bunget (2) Ioan Bunget (2) Gigel Bunget (2) Gabriel Bunget (2) Dumitrache Bunget (2) Tiberiu Bunget (2) Grigore Bunget (2) Sorin Bunget (2) Matthew Bunget (2) Toni Bunget (1) Tudorita Bunget (1) Vild Bunget (1) Dorel Bunget (1) Vladimir Bunget (1) Virgil Bunget (1) Veronica Bunget (1) Valeria Bunget (1) Niculae Bunget (1) Leana Bunget (1) Liliana Bunget (1) Ilie Bunget (1) Hariton Bunget (1) Angela Bunget (1) Maria Bunget (1) Mariana Bunget (1) Silvia Bunget (1) Rodica Bunget (1) Robert Bunget (1) Ovidiu Bunget (1) Tanasache Bunget (1) |
Bunget reversed is Tegnub
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.
Anagrams: Tugenb Nbuegt Bnuetg Unbetg
Misspells: Bungeta Bnuget Bungte Bunegt
Rhymes: Bridget Piaget Puget Roget Target beget budget junket punished sunlit nugget
Meaning of name Bunget is: 'bunget' a thick old forest
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