Statistics and meaning of name Burceag

We have no records about Burceag being used as firstname.
Surname Burceag is used at least 33 times in at least 3 countries.
Origin of this name is Romanian.

      Surname Burceag
Given names
Valentin Burceag (2)
Sorin Burceag (2)
Neculai Burceag (2)
Mircea Burceag (2)
Ioan Burceag (2)
Aglaia Burceag (2)
Aneta Burceag (2)
Aurel Burceag (2)
Vasile Burceag (1)
Octav Burceag (1)
Mihaela Burceag (1)
Liliana Burceag (1)
Laura Burceag (1)
Georgica Burceag (1)
Leocadia Burceag (1)
Adrian Burceag (1)
Marian Burceag (1)
Mihai Burceag (1)

Burceag reversed is Gaecrub
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Brugcae Ceruagb Ceubgar
Misspells: Burceog Bulceag Burrceag Burceaga Bruceag Burcega Burcaeg

Rhymes: burgh berg burg erg

Meaning of name Burceag is: 'borceag' the name of a field plant

Burceag says: Mai exista Coca Burceag 64 ani Mihai Burceag 62 ani

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Romania United Kingdom Thailand Switzerland Puerto Rico Belgium


Old Wiki
Name: Burceag
Language: Romanian
Meaning: borceag the name of a field plant

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