Statistics and meaning of name Burdylo
We have no records about Burdylo being used as firstname.
Surname Burdylo is used at least 44 times in at least 7 countries.
Given names
Genowefa Burdylo (2) Dorian Burdylo (1) Jadwiga Burdylo (1) Krystyna Burdylo (1) Krzysztof Burdylo (1) Dariusz Burdylo (1) Tomasz Burdylo (1) Kim Burdylo (1) Leo Burdylo (1) Sandra Burdylo (1) Sandy Burdylo (1) Chris Burdylo (1) |
Burdylo reversed is Olydrub
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.
Anagrams: Bruodly Dyrulob Dyubolr Budroyl Urodlyb
Misspells: Buldylo Burrdylo Burdilo Burdyloa Brudylo Burdyol Burdlyo
Rhymes: pillow billow peccadillo willow kilo
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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