Statistics and meaning of name Burghele
We have no records about Burghele being used as firstname.
Surname Burghele is used at least 23 times in at least 2 countries. (Romania,Sweden)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 布尔盖莱 (pinyin: bù ěr gài lái)
Given names
Vasile Burghele (3) Constantin Burghele (3) Anca Burghele (2) Alexandra Burghele (2) Anna Burghele (2) Nicolae Burghele (1) Lucian Burghele (1) Iozefina Burghele (1) Bogdan Burghele (1) Margareta Burghele (1) Niculae Burghele (1) Maria Burghele (1) Ion Burghele (1) Gheorghe Burghele (1) |
Burghele reversed is Elehgrub
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.
Misspells: Bulghele Burrghele Burghelea Brughele Burgheel Burghlee
Rhymes: Michele Adele Cybele Pele Steele ukulele burgle gurgle circle tubercle encircle
Meaning of name Burghele is: the same as [Burghelea]
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