Statistics and meaning of name Burgot

We have no records about Burgot being used as firstname.
Surname Burgot is used at least 167 times in at least 2 countries. (France,Netherlands)
Name written with Chinese letters: 比尔戈 (pinyin: bǐ ěr gē)

Given names
Didier Burgot (5)
Michel Burgot (5)
Claude Burgot (4)
Nadine Burgot (4)
Andre Burgot (4)
Daniel Burgot (4)
Nathalie Burgot (4)
Fabrice Burgot (3)
Joel Burgot (3)
Bertrand Burgot (3)
Domin ...

Surname Burgot in France   

Burgot reversed is Togrub
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Tugorb Rbuogt Bruotg Urbotg
Misspells: Bulgot Burrgot Burgota Brugot Burgto Burogt

Rhymes: argot forgot begot bigot fagot circuit microcircuit turret ergot purchased

Meaning of this name is unknown.
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Writers: Jean-Louis Burgot

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