Statistics and meaning of name Burianne

We have no records about Burianne being used as firstname.
Surname Burianne is used at least 29 times in at least 2 countries. (France,Hungary)
Name written with Chinese letters: 比里亚纳 (pinyin: bǐ lǐ yà nà)

Given names
Georges Burianne (2)
Kerekgyarto Burianne (2)
Gerard Burianne (2)
Brigitte Burianne (2)
Bodor Burianne (1)
Pascale Burianne (1)
Borbely Burianne (1)
Kovacs Burianne (1)
Tamas Burianne (1)
Steiner Burianne (1)
Nagyova Burianne (1)
Nagy Burianne (1)
Michele Burianne (1)
Edith Burianne (1)
Raphael Burianne (1)
Joelle Burianne (1)
Jeanne Burianne (1)
Lucien Burianne (1)
Sophie Burianne (1)
Aline Burianne (1)
Carole Burianne (1)
Joel Burianne (1)
Jean Burianne (1)

Surname Burianne in France   Surname Burianne in Hungary   

Burianne reversed is Ennairub
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Nureniba Nubrinea Rnuanbei Nabirnue
Misspells: Burionne Bulianne Burrianne Buryanne Burjanne Bureanne Buriannea Bruianne Burianen

Rhymes: Dianne Julianne Marianne Cezanne Deanne Jeanne bogeyman began plan bran divan

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States France Germany


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