Statistics and meaning of name Buzelan

We have no records about Buzelan being used as firstname.
Surname Buzelan is used at least 34 times in at least 5 countries.
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 布泽兰 (pinyin: bù zé lán)

      Surname Buzelan
Given names
Dumitru Buzelan (4)
Ioan Buzelan (2)
Maria Buzelan (2)
Mihai Buzelan (2)
Viorel Buzelan (2)
Alexandru Buzelan (2)
Elena Buzelan (2)
Constantin Buzelan (1)
Artur Buzelan (1)
Georg Buzelan (1)
Cornelia Buzelan (1)
Laura Buzelan (1)
Corneliu Buzelan (1)
Ionel Buzelan (1)
Iordache Buzelan (1)
Ecaterina Buzelan (1)

Buzelan reversed is Nalezub
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Bzuneal Elzuanb Elubnaz Uznealb Nubzeal Naulzeb
Misspells: Buzelon Buzelana Bzuelan Buzelna Buzealn

Rhymes: Venezuelan Alan Allan Ameslan Angolan Aztlan Catalan felon melon watermelon heron vellum

Meaning of name Buzelan is: 'buze' = lips ; it could also be a derivate from 'buzilă', a nickname for a person with big lips
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Romania Canada Israel Poland France


Old Wiki
Name: Buzelan
Language: Romanian
Meaning: buze = lips ; it could also be a derivate from buzilă, a nickname for a person with big lips

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