Statistics and meaning of name Buzzy

Usage: 79% firstname, 21% surname.
Buzzy first name was found 273 times in 6 different countries.
Surname Buzzy is used at least 69 times in at least 8 countries.
Gender of firstname Buzzy is 12% feminine and 88% masculine.

      Surname Buzzy
Given names
Regina Buzzy (2)
Faud Buzzy (1)
Christopher Buzzy (1)

Given name Buzzy
Family names
Buzzy Burke (1)
Buzzy Munroe (1)
Buzzy Rosales (1)

Surname Buzzy in USA   

Buzzy reversed is Yzzub
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Buzyz Uzbyz Zyzub Ybuzz Zuzyb Bzuyz
Misspells: Buzzi Buzzya Bzuzy Buzyz

Rhymes: fuzzy scuzzy Lizzy dizzy fizzy frizzy puffy stuffy fussy covey

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Australia Belgium Russian Federation Germany Lebanon China United Kingdom Netherlands


Famous people: Buzzy Linhart, Buzzy Trent

Writers: Buzzy Ennis, Buzzy Gordon, Buzzy Keith, Buzzy Martin, Buzzy Kerbox, Buzzy Jackson

Books: "10 Buzzy Bees" "Busy Buzzy Bee" "Buzzy Fly (Kites, Band Red) (Kites)" "Buzzy Bug (Baby Bugs)" "Buzzy's boo-boo" "Buzzy Bear and the Rainbow" "Buzzy's birthday" "Buzzy Bear's first day at school" "Day Busy Buzzy Stopped Being Busy" "Buzzy's big bedtime book"

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