Statistics and meaning of name Bzoch
We have no records about Bzoch being used as firstname.
Surname Bzoch is used at least 36 times in at least 7 countries.
Given names
Jiri Bzoch (4) Stanislav Bzoch (2) Peter Bzoch (2) Werner Bzoch (2) Vladimir Bzoch (1) Edith Bzoch (1) Rudolf Bzoch (1) Astrid Bzoch (1) Harald Bzoch (1) Jozef Bzoch (1) Roman Bzoch (1) Michael Bzoch (1) Franz Bzoch (1) Jaroslav Bzoch (1) Roland Bzoch (1) Ilse Bzoch (1) Melitta Bzoch (1) Siegfried Bzoch (1) Sigfried Bzoch (1) Wilhelm Bzoch (1) Claude Bzoch (1) Kevin Bzoch (1) |
Bzoch reversed is Hcozb
Name contains 5 letters - 20.00% vowels and 80.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Bzohc Chozb Hzocb
Misspells: Bzocha Bozch Bzohc Bzcoh
Rhymes: Antioch Bloch Enoch Foch Koch Moloch Murdoch block shock hoc bloc proc
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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