Statistics and meaning of name Caclin

We have no records about Caclin being used as firstname.
Surname Caclin is used at least 53 times in at least 3 countries.

      Surname Caclin
Given names
Philippe Caclin (2)
Sophie Caclin (2)
Claudine Caclin (1)
Elisabeth Caclin (1)
Bernard Caclin (1)
Loic Caclin (1)
Etienne Caclin (1)
Paulette Caclin (1)
Cecile Caclin (1)
Emmanuel Caclin (1)
Damien Caclin (1)
Stephanie Caclin (1)
Thomas Caclin (1)
Yvonne Caclin (1)
Simon Caclin (1)
Sebastien Caclin (1)
Raphael Caclin (1)
Jean Caclin (1)
Michel Caclin (1)
Paul Caclin (1)
Yasmine Caclin (1)
Serge Caclin (1)
Peggy Caclin (1)
Angelique Caclin (1)
Anthony Caclin (1)
Christelle Caclin (1)
Jeremy Caclin (1)
Joel Caclin (1)
Armand Caclin (1)
Marie Caclin (1)
Remy Caclin (1)
Aurelie Caclin (1)
Celine Caclin (1)
Fabienne Caclin (1)
Florence Caclin (1)
Gerard Caclin (1)
Nathalie Caclin (1)
Daniel Caclin (1)
Andre Caclin (1)
Monique Caclin (1)
Felie Caclin (1)
Georges Caclin (1)
Alexandre Caclin (1)

Surname Caclin in France   

Caclin reversed is Nilcac
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Nalicc Ccailn Ccainl Accinl
Misspells: Coclin Caclyn Cacljn Caclen Caclina Ccalin Caclni Caciln

Rhymes: Berlin Caitlin Carlin Chaplin Colin Collin Dublin raglan gallon action captain cabin

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: France United States Switzerland United Kingdom Thailand Austria Europe Reunion Canada


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