Statistics and meaning of name Calafeteanu
We have no records about Calafeteanu being used as firstname.
Surname Calafeteanu is used at least 94 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Given names
Ion Calafeteanu (6) Marian Calafeteanu (6) Stefan Calafeteanu (5) Ana Calafeteanu (3) Gheorghe Calafeteanu (3) Petre Calafeteanu (3) Lucian Calafeteanu (3) Constantin Calafeteanu (3) Viorel Calafeteanu (3) Haralambie Calafeteanu (3) Florin Calafeteanu (3) Ecaterina Calafeteanu (2) Florean Calafeteanu (2) Emilia Calafeteanu (2) Marin Calafeteanu (2) Emil Calafeteanu (2) Mihai Calafeteanu (2) Tiberiu Calafeteanu (2) Nicolita Calafeteanu (2) Victoria Calafeteanu (2) Alexandru Calafeteanu (2) Gabriel Calafeteanu (2) Margareta Calafeteanu (2) Nicoleta Calafeteanu (2) Jan Calafeteanu (2) Constantina Calafeteanu (1) Maricica Calafeteanu (1) Mirela Calafeteanu (1) Valentin Calafeteanu (1) Marius Calafeteanu (1) Ionel Calafeteanu (1) Nicusor Calafeteanu (1) Florian Calafeteanu (1) Matilda Calafeteanu (1) Nicolae Calafeteanu (1) Florea Calafeteanu (1) Mihaela Calafeteanu (1) Ionut Calafeteanu (1) |
Calafeteanu reversed is Unaetefalac
Name contains 11 letters - 54.55% vowels and 45.45% consonants.
Anagrams: Alnecfautae Fleunaacaet
Misspells: Colafeteanu Calafeteanua Claafeteanu Calafeteaun Calafetenau
Rhymes: bijou bijoux hsiu sieu spiritu
Meaning of name Calafeteanu is: composed by 'Calafat', the name of a city in Romania + the termination '-eanu'
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Domains - FREE - FREE - UNKNOWN - FREE | Old Wiki Name: Calafeteanu Language: Romanian Meaning: composed by Calafat, the name of a city in Romania + the termination -eanu Comments: |
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