Statistics and meaning of name Calamata
We have no records about Calamata being used as firstname.
Surname Calamata is used at least 11 times in at least 2 countries. (Romania,Italy)
Origin of this name is Greek.
Given names
Vasile Calamata (2) Ioana Calamata (2) Silvia Calamata (1) Vincenzo Calamata (1) Silvana Calamata (1) Diego Calamata (1) Angelo Calamata (1) Ferdinando Calamata (1) |
Calamata reversed is Atamalac
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Aclaamta Tlaamaac Amcaltaa
Misspells: Colamata Calamataa Claamata Calamaat Calamtaa
Rhymes: automata carcinomata diplomata dogmata enemata lymphomata melanomata sonata cantata stigmata regatta gotta
Meaning of name Calamata is: Romanian version for the Greek name [Kalamata]
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Domains - REGISTERED - FREE - REGISTERED - REGISTERED | Old Wiki Name: Calamata Language: Romanian Origin: Greek Meaning: Romanian version for the Greek name Kalamata Comments: |
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